Greetings all! Welcome to another message from Stamp to Cope, Inc. So many fun and exciting things are happening for us and I thank everyone for their support. Before I go into a brief summary of some upcoming events, I wanted to take a moment to wish all you mother's out there a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Please take a moment to thank those who serve in this very important role. The Cat in a Cup card I created is just a little something for the best mother-in-law in the whole wide world!!! Thanks Mom!!
New and Exciting Events
May 11, 2011, I will be presenting a workshop about STC to the LWML (Lutheran Womens Missionary League) of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Lexington. This is a wonderful chance to outreach to survivors and share the STC message in the Lexington area.
May 21, 2011, STC will be holding its annual Board of Directors meeting with a scheduled community service stamping project in Cabot, Arkansas. I will post more on this great opportunity live from the event.
Today I met with administrators from The Markey Cancer Center of the University of Kentucky to begin a Survivor's organization out of Markey's Comprehensive Breast Center. STC has been asked to present a workshop to some of the Center's survivors as a pilot for this new group. I will keep you posted.
Great News!!! STC was notified this week that we have been selected to participate in the Festival of Learnshops the week from July 9 thru 16, an event here in Berea, KY sponsored in part by the Berea Tourism Department and the Berea Arts Council. I will be conducting several Art of Stamping workshops with all proceeds from my workshops going to STC. This is a super opportunity for the organization to reach out and fundraise at the same time...so exciting
It has been a very busy week for STC as you can see from the events above and I thank EVERYONE for the support. Have a great week. Jeannette
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