Greetings friends,
Friday I was in New Orleans giving a presentation to the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) on "Online Faculty Isolation" when I received a telephone call from a dear friend letting me know she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time of the call, I was tweaking my faculty data and the word "isolation" just seemed to jump off the page as she talked. She should not have to feel alone, detached, or separated from her friends as she digests this diagnosis. I am so glad she felt she could reach out. Getting the news is very traumatic and all of us react in a different way. But, no one should have to face it in isolation. Stamp to Cope, Inc. is one way we hope we can connect.
After the call, I was looking out of my hotel window saying a prayer for my friend when a boat floated into my view. This re-creation is dedicated to my friend as we wish her calm waters and winds going in the right direction as she starts this journey. We love you Judy!
Have a super week. Jeannette
Love you Jeannette. Your words were so much comfort to me. My journey officially starts tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers.